Pendulums - Crystal Ball + Point

Pendulums - Crystal Ball + Point


Each pendulum features a natural crystal point with matching crystal bead ball.

Hold the pendulum by the crystal ball to use in a reading. Or, use the attached lobster clasp to connect the pendulum to a charm or pendant for extra symbolic energy.

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  • Pendulums measure approximately 8” in length and 0.5” at their widest point

  • All pendulums feature a different type of crystal, each of which has its own resonant energy

  • Each pendulum arrives gift wrapped in an organza pouch with a card explaining how to conduct a pendulum reading

Crystal Meanings:

  • Black Obsidian is a stone of Protection. It is known to shield against negativity. Created from cooling lava, Black Obsidian is a stone with a deeply grounding earth energy that is perfect for working to feel safe and stable. Often called volcanic glass, this stone is often used in shielding rituals, particularly when there is a desire to cut a connection or sever ties with someone or something that is not supportive or helpful.

  • Blue Chalcedony is a stone of Serenity. It is known to calm both the mind and body. Its serene energy promotes feelings of nurturing and positivity, making it a reassuring partner crystal for times when difficult communication arises. It is a potent talisman for diplomats, motivational speakers, therapists, and anyone whose words are used to promote unity and communal effort.

  • Blue Howlite is a stone of Introspection. It is known to strengthen the connection between the mind and the voice. Often thought to be Turquoise at first glance, Blue Howlite is a variation of White Howlite, and brings the same energies of patience and understanding with an additional boost to the throat chakra. Blue Howlite is a lovely talisman for anyone seeking to communicate with greater compassion and clarity as part of their life purpose.

  • *Cherry Quartz is a stone of Enthusiasm. It is known to promote cheerfulness and bring ease and joy to the heart. Created from a blend of naturally occurring quartz and cinnabar, Cherry Quartz has a beautiful translucency with vibrant color, but don’t be fooled - this candy-colored crystal also contributes to calm and orderly structure, making it a lovely talisman for anyone seeking to add some of nature’s joyous spring to their step.

  • Crystal Quartz (aka Clear Quartz) is a stone of Amplification. It is known to enhance and amplify the energy of other crystals, making it a valuable companion to other stones, crystals and natural elements. Thanks to its orderly crystalline structure, this stone naturally bolsters its wearer’s energy field at all times, making it a delightfully multi-purpose talisman for navigating life’s twists and turns with greater clarity.

  • Dalmatian Jasper is a stone of Devotion. It is known to balance mental and physical energies, allowing for a greater sense of calm and peace that fosters meditation, prayer, and all forms of connection to universal energy. Named for its dark spots in a lighter colored field, this stone helps the bearer reconnect with their inner child which makes it a helpful talisman for experiencing greater joy and play in daily life.

  • Green Aventurine is a stone of Opportunity. It is known to amplify the heart’s desires and align dreams with action. Its ethereal glow and soft green color evoke the soothing energy of being out and about in nature, while its crystalline structure promotes a calm and happy vibration at the heart level. Many cultures have prized Green Aventurine for its lucky nature, making it a perfect talisman companion for anyone seeking to make their happiest hopes a reality.

  • Labradorite is a stone of Awakening. It is known to heighten intuition as well the physical senses. Cultures from the northern parts of the world believed this crystal to be pieces of the Aurora Borealis, a shimmering display of lights thought to be a pathway to the realms beyond earth where the gods dwelled. Labradorite is a fabulous talisman for energy workers, mediums, and anyone who deals in the intangible realms.

  • Lapis Lazuli is a stone of Communication. It is known to amplify speech and mental processes. Long considered a stone of authority and royalty in many cultures, Lapis Lazuli has come to symbolize divine wisdom and universal truth, making it a wonderful talisman for lawyers, judges, teachers, artists, and anyone who works in a field where clear communication and empathetic understanding are required. 

  • Milky Quartz (aka Snow Quartz or White Quartz) is a stone of Soothing. Like clear quartz, it amplifies the Crown chakra; but because of its more opaque crystalline structure, its properties are closer to selenite than that of crystal quartz, making it a powerful talisman for amplifying feelings of calmness and peace of mind.

  • Moss Agate is a stone of Tranquility. It is known to calm feelings of aggression and bolster a sense of well-being. Its rich green hues evoke natural imagery and the soothing feeling of walking along a mossy forest floor. Moss Agate is powerful for growing new relationships making it a potent talisman for welcoming in new friendships, business partners, and even romantic interests so long as the heart’s intention is pure.

  • *Opalite is not a naturally occurring stone, but rather a type of glass crafted to give the appearance of opal. Much like Cherry Quartz or Goldstone, Opalite still conveys strong meaning because it is crafted with intention. Its milky appearance, with radiating iridescent colors in shades of blue and pink, evokes a feeling of serenity. Opalite is a favorite stone for promoting feelings of intuitive knowing and deeper connection to unseen realms & energetic helpers.

  • Red Jasper is a stone of Endurance. It is known to bolster physical strength and stamina. Its earthy red color is reminiscent of blood, and so this crystal has been prized for thousands of years as a symbol of the heartbeat of the living earth. Red Jasper helps to alleviate stress and ground excess energy, making it a helpful talisman for activities that call for both mental and physical centering, e.g. meditation, yoga, endurance sports, etc.

  • Rose Quartz is a stone of Feeling. It is known to amplify positive emotions and increase feelings of love for the self and for others. Directly tied to the Divine Feminine, this crystal swings open to doors to the heart, simultaneously calming the nerves and strengthening empathy. It is a perfect stone for any situation that calls for emotional healing or recovery.

  • Ruby Zoisite is a stone of Hope. It is known to amplify the expansive power of the human heart. A blend of naturally opaque Ruby and vibrant green Zoisite, this stone holds in balance all the beautiful and contradictory energies of the heart chakra. It is a wonderful partner for processing past pain and releasing the old to make way for the new. Ruby Zoisite is an unparalleled talisman for anyone seeking to let their heart guide the way, particularly if logic has been the default energy in their life.

  • Snowflake Obsidian is a stone of Contrast. It is known to build a bridge between the body and the mind. With its blend of black volcanic obsidian and white quartz inclusions, this stone often appears to have shapes or symbols in the snowflake-like patterns, allowing for reflection and deeper understanding of the subconscious. Because it combines the survival instincts of the root chakra with the intuitive receiving of the crown chakra, Snowflake Obsidian is a powerful talisman for anyone working to heal a scarcity belief through greater trust in universal co-creation.

  • Sodalite is a stone of Logic. It is known to clear the mind of frantic and chaotic thoughts so a clear and rational thought pattern may emerge. This crystal promotes introspection and honest self-evaluation with a focus on the positive aspects of personality, making it a beautiful talisman for anyone seeking to organize their mental world and create greater harmony while going with the flow.

  • Tigerseye is a stone of Balance. It is known to simultaneously amplify mental energy and ground physical energy, making it one of the most powerful crystal companions for manifesting ideas into reality. Its rich golden-brown color and vibrant patterning make it an attractive talisman for both wearing and displaying around the home, creating effortless partnership for making ideas become real in the material plane.

  • Unakite is a stone of Understanding. It is known to bring one’s deepest desires to the surface of consciousness. Like Ruby Zoisite, Unakite features a blend of greens and pinks that work with the heart chakra; unlike Ruby Zoisite, which has a more direct and to-the-point energy, Unakite has a more gentle vibration that makes it easier to become aware of emotions over time. This stone is a supportive talisman for anyone who is ready to embrace emotional truth, yet desires assistance in practicing acknowledgment and taking action in the direction of their dreams.

  • Yellow Aventurine is a stone of Willpower. It is known to improve mood and increase feelings of cheerfulness and well-being, making it a positive talisman for experiencing the world with greater optimism. Yellow Aventurine aids the bearer in setting clear boundaries, allowing the “shoulds” and “should nots” of life to fall away and the true desire of spirit to be felt more clearly.

All crystal meanings listed here were written by Kittie of Shieldmaiden’s Sanctum, and are directly informed + inspired by her years of experience with minerals and their properties, both physical and metaphysical. Shieldmaiden’s Sanctum does not use AI or generative text tools to generate written or visual content.