If you are seeking to…
Explore your intuitive powers more deeply
Create confidence and clarity in your creative talents
Awaken the magic of your inner world
…. then I invite you to join me on this six-month journey,
during which we will uncover the spiritual tone and sacred message of your unique work
and integrate their powerful alchemy into your own magical abilities.
Welcome! I am thrilled this Journey resonates with you.
From January 24 to June 20 of 2016, I will be holding sacred space for six women to join me on this Journey to Inner Magic that will lead you deeper into the sacred core of your intuitive and creative powers.
The Journey to Inner Magic is a container that will recognize, respect, and reinforce your innate power as a creator. You will be energetically joined with like-minded sisters seeking to expand their magical abilities and strengthen their lives - physically, mentally, and spiritually - from within. Together we will dive deep into your inner world and divine the rituals, totems, and energetic practices that best serve you. It's far more flexible than a coaching program, and it's so much more than a support group - though elements of both will be present throughout our journey together.
If you are seeking to amplify your intuition, tap into divine guidance, and create sacred ritual in your life, then I invite you to Journey to Inner Magic - where it's safe to be you!
Each month you will receive:
Every month I will intuitively create, package, and send to you an energetic gift that will amplify your abilities and assist you in your soul-centric work. Each gift will be totally different, yet energetically woven into the grand tapestry of our work together, and will partner with the month's energetic guidance!
Each month you will anticipate the arrival of gifts such as:
- personally hand-woven talismanic jewelry...
- a sacred ritual kit featuring crystals and candles...
- an intuitive essential oil blend created especially for you and your needs...
- and so much more!
Every month I will channel divine messages uniquely for you and record each session so you can watch, listen, and absorb your Guides' wisdom whenever you desire.
In addition to an Oracle Card Reading that will accompany your energetic gift and offer direct insight into your month's Journey theme, I will also hold an Intuitive Session during which I channel and record a message from your Guides & Guardians!
Whether you are brand new to these guiding forces, or old friend with the guardian energies that watch over you, know that each month will bring a new and exciting message to bolster your heart wisdom!
As a group, we will begin each month with an in-depth Oracle Card Reading, complete with illustrated guide and video recording, to set the tone for the group's collective wisdom and exploration. This reading will be your monthly blueprint for optimal energetic partnership with your Guides, Guardians, and Source Energy, as well as an amplification of your personal reading and energetic gift.
You will also receive two guided audio meditations every month - one for the Full Moon, and one for the New Moon - which are perfect for releasing the energies that no longer serve and amplifying your intentions for the upcoming month. Each audio meditation will be born from our group's guiding forces for the month and tap into the alchemical energies at play!
In addition to unlimited email communication with yours truly for our six months together, you will have access to a private Journey to Inner Magic Facebook group where you can ask questions, receive personal support, and request intuitive insights from your fellow sisters. Not a Facebook user? No worries whatsoever! I will personally email each member your Monthly Group Oracle Card reading, your Personal Oracle Card reading, and your recorded audio meditations every month. These will always be available to you, and easy to access via email, Facebook, and a dedicated download page. My promise to you is to make this magic easily available whenever you need it.
And to keep that promise, you will also receive an exclusive 25% discount on any Studio Kittie intuitive session or jewelry creation for the entire length of the Journey to Inner Magic -- perfect if you need additional insight and support, or want to give a loved one the gift of intuitive creation!
Our journey formally begins on January 24, 2016 - the first Full Moon of the new year! This is a prime time to release old energy and welcome new patterns that will serve our highest good. I invite you to join us before then, so that we can get to know each other and begin this amazing work! If you sign up before January 7, I will conduct an Animal Totem Oracle reading for you to divine the animal energy that wants to energetically partner with you for the new year transition. In addition to a gorgeous illustrated PDF, I will also send you a personalized guided meditation (.MP3) to help you partner with your animal totem energy! This is perfect for setting intentions and calling in energetic assistance.
If you are yearning to dive deeper into your personal pool of magic...
If you are seeking to strengthen your intuition and let it guide you in life...
If you know in your innermost heart that you are capable of Great Things and that it's time to step forward...
I hope you will join me in this Journey to your inner magic!
+ What is Journey To Inner Magic all about?
The Journey to Inner Magic is a six-month immersion into ritual, intuitiive sessions, divination, and energetic gifts - all woven together to amplify and support your personal power as a magical creator.
Each month, you will receive a personalized energetic gift and oracle card reading to support your soul-centric work in the world. Additionally, the entire Journey group will receive an in-depth card reading, complete with illustrated guide and recording, to set the energetic tone and explore the intuitive themes at work.
You will also have access to two guided meditations, one for the Full Moon and one for the New Moon, to assist you with releasing old energy and inviting in the new.
You are welcome to participate in the Journey on your own, in a more meditative state, or join the Facebook group and engage in questions, discussions, and group work with your sister Journeyers.
+ Who is the leader of the Journey to Inner Magic?
The Journey to Inner Magic was envisioned, created, and is led by me, Kittie Bernott. I am a life-long artist who now shares her medicine in the world through intuitive jewelry creation and channeling intuitive messages through my Guides.
In addition to creating jewelry and channeling divine messages through divination, I am devoting my energy in these next six months to creating and holding a safe space for my fellow creators to experience their personal power. The Journey to Inner Magic is not a coaching program; rather, it is a safe space to be yourself and explore the magical themes and energies that are intertwined with our everyday lives.
I believe in the amplification of personal power through crystals, candles, ritual, sacred objects, and talismanic jewelry. I specialize in intuitive jewelry because it's a way to be beautifully bolstered and supported while you share your light, medicine, and truth with the world.
+ How long does it last?
The Journey to Inner Magic will last six months. We will be together from January 24 to June 20, 2016. These dates are significant because they mark the Full Moons of those months! Full Moon energy is a prime time for releasing the old and welcoming the new. But if you take advantage of the Early Bird special gift, and join before January 24th, you will have access to the group right away.
+ How much does it cost?
If you prefer to pay monthly, the cost is $99 a month. That works out to $594 for all six months.
However, if you choose to make one payment for all six months, the cost is discounted to $499! That works out to $83/month, for a savings of $96 - essentially getting a month for free!
+ What will I receive?
- A personalized energy work gift, hand created specifically for you to support you in your month's intentions and practices
- An oracle card reading that will accompany your energetic gift and offer direct insight into your energetic partnership
- An Intuitive Session during which I channel and record a message from your Guides & Guardians
- An in-depth oracle card reading, complete with illustrated PDF and audio recording, to set the tone for the group's collective wisdom that month
- Two guided audio meditations - one for the New Moon and one for the Full Moon - perfect for intention setting and baggage releasing ritual
- Access to a private group Facebook page where you can ask me questions, receive personal support, and request intuitive insights from your fellow sisters
- Unlimited email support
+ Can I pick and choose the months I participate?
At this time, no. The Journey to Inner Magic is an immersive, six month program, with a distinct beginning and closing. If you choose to join us, please expect to do so for all six months.
+ When will I be billed?
If you choose to pay for all six months at the beginning, you will only be billed that one time! An excellent option for bookkeeping, plus you get the discounted rate!
If you prefer to pay monthly, your first payment will enroll you in a convenient auto-payment system. Your first payment will be noted on the day you sign up, and each remaining payment will be deducted on the same calendar day of the following month. So, for example, if you sign up on December 29, your next payments will be on: January 29, February 29, March 29, April 29, and May 29, 2016.
+ When do I receive my energetic gift(s)?
Your gift will arrive approximately one week into the calendar month. We will be exploring our group’s intuitive theme on the 1st of every month, and leaning into this guidance for a New Moon ritual. I will then create each member’s gift based on this guidance and their own personal journey needs, and send it out in time for it to arrive and for you to work with it before our month’s Full Moon ritual.
+ Can I give a spot in Journey To Inner Magic as a gift?
- Click on your preferred payment option (One Time or Monthly) at the bottom of the page
- Add to cart and continue to Checkout
- Enter your Billing information
- Fill out the Gift Options section
- Complete the purchase
I will notify your chosen recipient of their gift! If you prefer for it to remain anonymous, be sure to note that in the Notes section.